Video index
1. Presiding member’s welcome and introductions.
2. Establish a quorum – roll call and possible action to approve excused absences.
4. Presentation by Anja Taylor, Texas Homeless Data Sharing Network Project Manager at The Homeless Network on the implementation of a statewide homeless data-sharing network to assist in emergency situations.
5. Presentation by Dr. Jennie Simpson, Associate Commissioner and State Forensic Director, Office of Forensic Coordination, Health and Human Services Commission, on the behavioral health services available to justiceinvolved individuals.
6. Update on implementation of 2025-2026 Update to the State Health Plan.
7. SHCC agency representatives’ reports
3. Statewide Health Coordinating Council (SHCC) discussion and possible action to approve March 2, 2023, Meeting Minutes.
9. Health Professions Resource Center and SHCC coordinator’s report
10. Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies report
11. Administrative items and next steps
Document 1
Jun 08, 2023 Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Presiding member’s welcome and introductions.
2. Establish a quorum – roll call and possible action to approve excused absences.
4. Presentation by Anja Taylor, Texas Homeless Data Sharing Network Project Manager at The Homeless Network on the implementation of a statewide homeless data-sharing network to assist in emergency situations.
5. Presentation by Dr. Jennie Simpson, Associate Commissioner and State Forensic Director, Office of Forensic Coordination, Health and Human Services Commission, on the behavioral health services available to justiceinvolved individuals.
6. Update on implementation of 2025-2026 Update to the State Health Plan.
7. SHCC agency representatives’ reports
3. Statewide Health Coordinating Council (SHCC) discussion and possible action to approve March 2, 2023, Meeting Minutes.
9. Health Professions Resource Center and SHCC coordinator’s report
10. Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies report
11. Administrative items and next steps
Document 1
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