Video index
1. Welcome, logistical announcements, and roll call
2. Introduction of new members
3. Consideration of January 12, 2023, draft meeting minutes
4. Mental Health and Diabetes- Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
5. Updates from Workgroups
6. 2023 State Plan Recommendations
7. State plan writing responsibilities
8. Updates from state agency representatives
9. Announcements and follow up items from January meeting
11. Date and topics for next meeting
Apr 27, 2023 Texas Diabetes Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome, logistical announcements, and roll call
2. Introduction of new members
3. Consideration of January 12, 2023, draft meeting minutes
4. Mental Health and Diabetes- Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
5. Updates from Workgroups
6. 2023 State Plan Recommendations
7. State plan writing responsibilities
8. Updates from state agency representatives
9. Announcements and follow up items from January meeting
11. Date and topics for next meeting
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