Video index
1. Call to Order, Welcome, Chair Remarks, Meeting Logistics and Roll Call - Eduardo Olivarez, Chair, Francesca Kupper, HHSC
2. Consideration of May 25, 2022 draft meeting minutes - Eduardo Olivarez, Chair
3. Update: COVID-19 vaccines and boosters - Tony Aragon, DSHS, David Gruber, DSHS (Part 1 of 2)
5. Vote to approve Subcommittee Recommendations - Eduardo Olivarez, Chair, Dr. Arturo Rodriguez, Vice-chair
6. Final Review and consideration of the TFBHO Recommendations Report (due by November 1, 2022) – Eduardo Olivarez, Chair, Dr. Arturo Rodriguez, Vice-chair
3. Update: COVID-19 vaccines and boosters - Tony Aragon, DSHS, David Gruber, DSHS (Part 2 of 2)
4. Presentation: Texas Border Health Data Overview - Dr. Allison Banicki, DSHS
7. Final Review of Report of Actions Taken by the TFBHO (due by September 1, 2022) – Eduardo Olivarez, Chair, Dr. Arturo Rodriguez, Vice-chair
9. Closing remarks, thank you and adjourn - Eduardo Olivarez, Chair
Jul 07, 2022 Task Force of Border Health Officials (TFBHO)
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order, Welcome, Chair Remarks, Meeting Logistics and Roll Call - Eduardo Olivarez, Chair, Francesca Kupper, HHSC
2. Consideration of May 25, 2022 draft meeting minutes - Eduardo Olivarez, Chair
3. Update: COVID-19 vaccines and boosters - Tony Aragon, DSHS, David Gruber, DSHS (Part 1 of 2)
5. Vote to approve Subcommittee Recommendations - Eduardo Olivarez, Chair, Dr. Arturo Rodriguez, Vice-chair
6. Final Review and consideration of the TFBHO Recommendations Report (due by November 1, 2022) – Eduardo Olivarez, Chair, Dr. Arturo Rodriguez, Vice-chair
3. Update: COVID-19 vaccines and boosters - Tony Aragon, DSHS, David Gruber, DSHS (Part 2 of 2)
4. Presentation: Texas Border Health Data Overview - Dr. Allison Banicki, DSHS
7. Final Review of Report of Actions Taken by the TFBHO (due by September 1, 2022) – Eduardo Olivarez, Chair, Dr. Arturo Rodriguez, Vice-chair
9. Closing remarks, thank you and adjourn - Eduardo Olivarez, Chair
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