Video index
1. Chairman’s welcome and introductions
2. Establish a quorum – roll call and possible action to approve excused absences
3. Statewide Health Coordinating Council (SHCC) discussion and possible action to approve October 14, 2021, Meeting Minutes
4a. Access to Care, Health Equity, and Social Determinants of Health
4b. Mental Health and Behavioral Healthcare Workforce
4c. Rural Communities and Health
4d. Telehealth and Technology
5a. Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
5c. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
5e. John Henderson’s, President of Rural and Community Hospitals, presentation and discussion regarding rural health.
5f. Health Professions Resource Center and SHCC coordinator’s report
5g. Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies report
5h. Administrative items and next steps
Mar 03, 2022 Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Chairman’s welcome and introductions
2. Establish a quorum – roll call and possible action to approve excused absences
3. Statewide Health Coordinating Council (SHCC) discussion and possible action to approve October 14, 2021, Meeting Minutes
4a. Access to Care, Health Equity, and Social Determinants of Health
4b. Mental Health and Behavioral Healthcare Workforce
4c. Rural Communities and Health
4d. Telehealth and Technology
5a. Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
5c. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
5e. John Henderson’s, President of Rural and Community Hospitals, presentation and discussion regarding rural health.
5f. Health Professions Resource Center and SHCC coordinator’s report
5g. Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies report
5h. Administrative items and next steps
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