Video index
1. Welcome, call to order, and roll call. (Jeff Mantia)
2. New committee members introductions. (Jeff Mantia)
3. Nominate a chairperson. (Robert Miller)
4. Review and approval of the meeting minutes as written from the last meeting of the Youth Camp AdvisoryCommittee February 23, 2022. (Chair)
5. Program updates – pool rules to be approved in 2023 (Jeff Mantia)
6. Public Comment (any member may also provide comment)
7. Set next meeting date (Chair)
Sep 21, 2022 Youth Camp Advisory Committee
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome, call to order, and roll call. (Jeff Mantia)
2. New committee members introductions. (Jeff Mantia)
3. Nominate a chairperson. (Robert Miller)
4. Review and approval of the meeting minutes as written from the last meeting of the Youth Camp AdvisoryCommittee February 23, 2022. (Chair)
5. Program updates – pool rules to be approved in 2023 (Jeff Mantia)
6. Public Comment (any member may also provide comment)
7. Set next meeting date (Chair)
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